The Problem

Ventura has three small skate tracks that need upgrading, but sufficient funds are not in the immediate City budget. Parents spend money taking their kids to skateparks in other cities, and Ventura has seen a surge of renegade skate spots that are costly liabilities.

The Solution

Ventura's skate tracks can each be expanded by several thousand square feet. The VSIC Master Plan calls for the full makeover of all three tracks beginning at West Park, where we propose both long- and short-term "match-fund" expansion projects beginning 2018.

How To Help

Strong community support is key to a successful implementation of the VSIC Master Plan. Know anybody that can assist with materials, labor or other duties? Put us in contact!


West Park Rebuild Feasibility Survey

Make your opinions heard! Please take 5-10 minutes to complete the following article and survey. If you experience any usability issues, you can also take the survey directly online, here.

Community Feedback:

"The kids of Ventura deserve a nice clean skatepark."

Shirley Davis, Ventura

The VSIC Rebuild Plan satisfies 5 of 10 goals stated on the City of Ventura General Plan site:

Well-Designed Community
To reinvest in older areas of our community.

Active Community
To enhance parks and open spaces for the entire community.

Boost Tourism
World-class skateparks will attract international tourists.

Family-Friendly Recreation
Better skateparks attract families and are more family-friendly.

Expanding the skate tracks reduces costly irrigation.

Proactive Youth
A good skatepark will keep Ventura's kids active and healthy.