Phase 1 Begins!

January 29, 2014

Yesterday I met with City of Ventura Parks Manager Nancy O’Connor and we accomplished the first milestone of the Pacific Rebuild: delegation of volunteers to remove the shrubbery and lawn at the Pacific skate track sometime in mid- to late-February. As stated in our Mission Statement, the short term goal is to enact a community-led rebuild of the Pacific skate track into something skateable by the end of summer 2014.

VC Reporter Article 1/23/14

January 28, 2014

Thank you Chris Jay for this awesome writeup in last week’s issue of the VC Reporter! From the article:

“…two specific plans have been developed. The first is a short term goal, which is to focus solely on the skate track by the mall. Through fundraising and donated construction, Long said that he believes by summer the area could be updated to a first rate park.”

One minor correction: the $350,000 Jay alludes to at the end of the article is really only enough to completely redo one of the three skate tracks (if we’re talking about a legitimate project that pays prevailing wage).

Mission Statement

January 27, 2014

Ventura has three small skate tracks that need to be upgraded but skatepark improvement money is not in the budget until 2018. The current tracks can safely sustain only 3-5 riders and suffer from design flaws which make them unattractive to the majority of recreational skateboarders. Additionally, the neglected tracks are attracting crime, drugs and violence. To date, over 2,000 people have signed the petitions to rebuild the tracks, and the skateboard community has raised over $2,000 through grassroots efforts.

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